Photographer and videographer based in Russia. Born and live in Moscow. I work all over the world. I collabote with Russian and international companies, news agencies, newspapers, magazines and charitable organizations.

  Graduated from cameramen department of Allrussian state cinematography institute. I also have diplomas of the Eddie Adams Workshop and 10B Photography Workshop.

  Participant of several Russian and international projects and exhibitions including "Silver camera" (Moscow, Russia), "Artifactual realities" (Houston, USA), "To jest Rosja" (Warsaw, Poland), "People of light" (Russia), "Where the Motherland begin" (Russia), "A day in the life of Russia" (Russia), "Attraction of the Arctic" (Moscow, Russia) and others. 

  Prize-winnner of "Russian Press Photo" and "Best of Russia".

 Works were included in short-lists of "SONY World Photography Awards" and "PixPalace-Visas Ani Award" contests. 


+7 926 2063924 Moscow